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Cyrilic vs. Latin Blr Orthography

Rules for Transliteration from Cyrillic to Latin Script

Part One - Simple Cases

Cyrillic Characters Latin Characters
is always "a"
is always "b"
is always "v"
is always "h"
is always "g"
is always "d"
is always "¾"
is always "j"
is always "k"
is always "m"
is always "o"
is always "p"
is always "r"
is always "t"
is always "u"
is always "w"
is always "f"
is always "ch"
is always "c"
is always "è"
is always "¹"
is always "y"
is always "e"

Part Two -

If these characters stand:
  - as a first character in a word; e.g.
  - behind a vowel or after ; e.g.
  - after an -'- (apostrophe, which does not exist in Latin script); e.g.

is transliterated as follows:

into "je"
into "jo"
into "ju"
into "ja"

In other cases (e.g. if these characters stand behind a consonant and it is not ) they are transliterated as follows:
into "ie"
into "io"
into "iu"
into "ia"

If these letters stand behind they are transliterated as follows:
into "le"
into "lo"
into "lu"
into "la"

Part Three - and

If stands behind they are transliterated as follows:
is "¼"
is "ñ"
is ""
is "æ".
In all other cases they are transliterated as follows:
is "z"
is "n"
is "s"
is "c".

Part Four -

For conjuctions with see Part Two. Additionally if after stands this conjuction is transliterated into "li". In all other cases it is transliterated into "³".

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